Evalution of Leachm-N on Nitrate Leaching in Sandy Regosols in Batticaloa

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dc.contributor.author Bawatharani, T
dc.contributor.author Mowjood, M.J.M
dc.contributor.author Dayawansa, N.D.K
dc.contributor.author Kumaragamage, D
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-21T08:05:58Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-21T08:05:58Z
dc.date.issued 2009
dc.identifier.uri http://www.digital.lib.esn.ac.lk/handle/123456789/13515
dc.description.abstract Agricultural contamination of groundwater with nitrates in Batticaloa is of prime importance, due to the intensive use of inorganic N fertilizers, together with excess irrigation on highly permeable soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of LEACHM-N on nitrate leaching in sandy regosols under laboratory conditions. Leaching behaviour of NO3 - - N was evaluated through laboratory experimentswith those predicted by LEACHM-N,a one dimensional, water flow, solute transport and plant uptake model. To perform laboratory column studies, PVC pipes of 20, 30 and 40 cm depths and 8.9 cm internal diameter were used to represent soil profile at three depths. Each column was fertilized with KNO3, at the rate of 0, 70 and 140 kg N/ha. Three water application rates (7mm, 14mm and 30mm) were combined with each of these fertilization rates in each column. The leachate samples were collected and analyzed for nitrate nitrogen colorimetrically using spectrophotometer. LEACHM-N produced satisfactory predictions for all the treatments in 20cm column. The accuracy of prediction was found to be decreasing when the column depth was increased and the decrease in rate of irrigation. In most treatments the simulated results showed no significant difference between LEACHM-N predicted and measured losses. Comparisons of simulated NO3 - - N losses in the columns showed reasonable match with the measured values as indicated by their non significant mean difference values. For most of the treatments in 20cm column, the mean difference values were non significantwith higher correlation coefficient values and lower Root Mean Square Error values. Therefore it can be concluded that LEACHM-N predictions are successful and could be used as a decision making tool at field conditions to evaluate nitrate leaching en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Eastern University Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject Leachm-N en_US
dc.subject Nitrate Leaching en_US
dc.subject Sandy Regosols en_US
dc.subject Soil Column en_US
dc.subject Water Flow en_US
dc.subject Mean Difference en_US
dc.subject Root Mean Square Error en_US
dc.title Evalution of Leachm-N on Nitrate Leaching in Sandy Regosols in Batticaloa en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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